Training for a Half Marathon

Learn how to get ready for your race.

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The Runner’s Guide to Effective Recovery Post Half Marathon
You’ve done it. You’ve crossed that finish line after running a grueling 13.1 miles. Your body’s drenched in sweat, your legs are aching but you’re feeling on top of the world. That’s the magic of a half marathon! But here’s the thing, the race may be over, but the journey... Read more
How to Train for a Half Marathon in a Month
Imagine this: you’ve signed up for a half marathon that’s happening in a month and you haven’t begun training. This might seem like a monumental task, but don’t worry! This guide will show you how to train for a half marathon in a month, with a focus on maximizing your... Read more
How to Improve Your Half Marathon Performance with Yoga
You’ve been training for your half marathon for months now, haven’t you? You’re pounding the pavement, tracking your mileage, and pushing your body to its limits. But have you ever considered how yoga might give you that extra edge you need? I’m not joking! As a runner, you might overlook... Read more
Effective Cross-Training for Half Marathons
So, you’re a half-marathoner, huh? That’s a major accomplishment! You’ve definitely got passion, tenacity, and a whole lot of grit. But, I’m here to tell you that running 13.1 miles isn’t just about lacing up those sneakers and hitting the pavement. The real secret to keeping your body strong and... Read more
7 Proven Strategies for Stellar Half Marathon Hydration
With these proven strategies for stellar half marathon hydration, we unlock the secrets of effective hydration for half marathon runners. We guide you through how to optimize your hydration strategy before, during, and post-race, ensuring you maintain peak performance throughout. From understanding how much to drink to replacing lost electrolytes, these proven strategies will empower you to conquer your next half marathon with confidence. Read more
5 Essential Steps to Mastering Race Day
Think of your first half marathon as a scenic road trip. You wouldn’t just jump in the car and go without a map (or at least a solid GPS), right? You need a roadmap – a checklist of sorts – that guides you from start to finish. Follow this step-by-step... Read more
Elite Performance: Advanced Training Techniques for the Half Marathon
Hey there, fellow runners! I’m just a seasoned old coach who’s seen a share of miles on the asphalt, and I’m thrilled to share my wealth of knowledge with you. Mastering your half marathon doesn’t just happen overnight, it’s the result of countless hours of sweat, dedication, and, of course,... Read more
Intermediate Half Marathon Training: Taking Your Performance to the Next Level
Welcome, my fleet-footed friends, to the world of Intermediate Half Marathon Training! I’m sure you’re no stranger to the adrenaline rush of race day, the satisfying ache in your muscles after a long run, and the thrill of setting – and smashing – your personal best. Well, now, it’s time... Read more
How to Incorporate Speed Work into Your Training Plan
Training for a half marathon can be a rewarding and challenging experience. One important aspect of training for a half marathon is incorporating speed work into your training plan. Speed work can help you improve your running speed and endurance, which can be beneficial for race day. Here are some... Read more
Train for a Half Marathon in 12 Weeks – A Simple Plan
Congratulations! You’re already one step closer to finishing a half marathon and you probably haven’t even left your chair. Why am I so confident that you’ll be successful? Because you have it in you. Anyone can finish a half marathon. All you need is the right preparation and training. This... Read more