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Elliptical Workouts for Runners Elliptical Workouts for Runners
Explore how elliptical workouts can boost your running performance without the wear and tear on your body. Discover various elliptical routines that complement traditional... Elliptical Workouts for Runners

As a running coach, I often see athletes reaching for their running shoes day in and day out. However, many overlook a powerhouse tool in their training regimens—the elliptical machine. Known for its low-impact glide, the elliptical can be a runner’s best friend, especially regarding injury prevention and cross-training. Let’s dive into how incorporating elliptical workouts can benefit your running and keep you in top form.

Benefits of the Elliptical for Runners

Low Impact Training: One of the biggest appeals of the elliptical is its low-impact nature. Unlike the hard pounding of running, the elliptical mimics the running motion without the harsh impact on your joints. This is especially beneficial for runners who are recovering from injuries or those looking to reduce wear and tear on their bodies.

Injury Recovery and Prevention: The gentle motion of the elliptical helps maintain fitness while nursing an injury. It allows you to engage in aerobic activity without stressing healing tissues, facilitating a quicker and safer return to running.

Cardiovascular Fitness: Don’t underestimate the cardio capabilities of this machine. With adjustable resistance and incline, you can tailor your workout to challenge your heart and lungs just as effectively as a long run.

How Elliptical Training Complements Running

Muscle Engagement: While the elliptical primarily targets the lower body, it also calls into action your upper body, offering a balanced workout. The push and pull of the handles engage your arms, shoulders, and back, promoting muscular balance that running alone might not achieve.

Stride and Cadence: The controlled motion on an elliptical can help reinforce efficient stride patterns and cadence. It encourages proper alignment and evenly distributed weight, which can translate into smoother, more efficient running strides on the road.

Workout Types on the Elliptical

Endurance Workouts: Just like your regular long runs, you can use the elliptical for lengthy sessions at a moderate intensity. Try mimicking the duration of your usual long run to maintain endurance without the impact.

Speed and Hill Workouts: Most ellipticals come with settings to adjust incline and resistance, perfect for simulating hill climbs and speed bursts. Set up intervals or hill workouts to build strength and speed without the risk of downhill running injuries.

Recovery Sessions: On days when your legs feel heavy or you’re just not up for a run, the elliptical can provide a perfect active recovery tool. Set it on low resistance and enjoy a light session to help increase blood flow and aid recovery.

working out on the elliptical in the gym

Integrating Elliptical Workouts into a Running Schedule

Sample Weekly Schedule:

  • Monday: Rest or light yoga
  • Tuesday: Intense elliptical intervals
  • Wednesday: Mid-distance run
  • Thursday: Elliptical hill workout
  • Friday: Rest or easy elliptical day
  • Saturday: Long outdoor run
  • Sunday: Cross-training on the elliptical

Adjust this schedule based on your current training and racing goals.

Tips for Maximizing Benefits

Proper Form and Technique: Keep your posture upright; avoid leaning heavily on the handrails. Actively push and pull the handles for a full-body workout, ensuring you’re not just going through the motions.

Using Heart Rate and Effort Levels: Monitor your heart rate to match the effort you’d exert on runs, ensuring you’re working within the right zones for your goals.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Overtraining: Just because it’s low impact doesn’t mean it can’t lead to overtraining. Listen to your body, and ensure you’re not replacing too many runs with high-intensity elliptical workouts.

Neglecting Running-Specific Training: The elliptical is a supplement, not a substitute. Ensure you’re still hitting the pavement for those essential race-specific sessions.

Choosing the Right Elliptical Machine

Look for machines that offer a smooth, fluid motion and adjustable stride lengths to suit your body mechanics. Features like heart rate monitors and variable programs can enhance your training experience.

What to Look for in a Home Elliptical Machine

Choosing the right elliptical machine for your home can make a significant difference in how enjoyable and effective your indoor training sessions are. Whether you’re gearing up for marathon training or looking for a versatile piece of equipment to keep active on non-running days, here are some essential factors to consider when selecting an elliptical for home use:


  • Stride Length: One of the most critical factors is the stride length. It should comfortably match your natural running stride. Some machines offer adjustable stride lengths, which is a fantastic feature if multiple people will use the equipment.
  • Resistance Levels: A good elliptical should have a wide range of resistance levels. This allows you to vary the intensity of your workouts, simulating everything from flat running to steep climbing.
  • Incline Options: Just like resistance, incline adjustability can greatly enhance your workout’s challenge and effectiveness. It helps in targeting different muscle groups and mimicking hill workouts.

Durability and Stability

  • Build Quality: Look for a machine that is well-built and robust. It should feel stable underfoot, even during intense workouts, without any wobbling or squeaking.
  • Weight Capacity: Check the weight capacity of the elliptical. A higher weight capacity generally indicates a sturdier machine.
  • Maintenance: Consider the maintenance requirements. Some ellipticals need regular adjustments and lubrication, while others are designed to be low maintenance.

Comfort and Ergonomics

  • Pedal Design: The pedals should be comfortable and align well with your feet to avoid any strain on your ankles or knees. Look for models with cushioned or oversized pedals.
  • Handlebar Design: Ergonomic handlebars that provide multiple grip positions can enhance comfort and allow you to change your workout focus and intensity.
  • Noise Level: Especially important in a home setting, the noise level of the elliptical should be low to avoid disturbances to family members or neighbors.

Technological Features

  • Console Features: Modern ellipticals come equipped with consoles that offer everything from basic workout data (like time, distance, and calories burned) to advanced metrics that integrate with fitness apps.
  • Program Variety: Pre-set programs can help keep your workouts varied and challenging. Look for programs that cater to different training needs, such as heart rate training, fat burning, or interval training.
  • Connectivity: Features like Bluetooth connectivity and compatibility with fitness apps can enhance your training experience by allowing you to track your progress, set goals, and stay motivated.

Space and Portability

  • Size: Ensure the elliptical fits comfortably in the designated space in your home. Pay attention to the dimensions of the machine, especially the length as ellipticals can be quite long.
  • Portability: If you need to move it around, look for an elliptical with transport wheels. Some models also offer foldability, which is great for saving space.

Warranty and Customer Support

  • Warranty: A lengthy warranty can give you peace of mind about your investment. Look for warranties that cover different parts of the machine for extended periods.
  • Customer Support: Good customer support from the manufacturer is crucial, especially if you encounter issues with the machine. Check reviews to see how responsive and helpful the company is.

When shopping for a home elliptical machine, it’s important to balance cost with these features to find the best fit for your needs and budget. By choosing wisely, you’ll have a valuable tool in your fitness arsenal that keeps you running strong and injury-free, even when you’re staying indoors.

Recommended Elliptical Machines for the Home

Final Thoughts

Incorporating elliptical workouts into your running training can provide not only a safe haven from injuries but also a potent means to enhance your cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, and overall running performance. Whether you’re a seasoned marathoner or a weekend jogger, the elliptical offers a valuable addition to your fitness arsenal. So next time you pass by that elliptical in the gym, hop on—you might just find your new favorite cross-training buddy.

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