Training for a Half Marathon

Learn how to get ready for your race.

Balancing Running and Cross-training for Your Half Marathon Preparation
Hello, my fellow runners! With all the excitement around gearing up for a half marathon, I often hear a common question from the runners I train: “How do we find the right balance between running and cross-training?” So, let’s dive right into it, shall we? First off, let’s remember... Read more
Using Yoga for Half Marathon Training
Hello, fellow runners! Now, when you think about training for a half marathon, I bet yoga isn’t the first thing that pops into your head, right? We usually visualize high-tempo training sessions, heavy breathing, sweat pouring down our faces…and not so much the peaceful stretching in a quiet room.... Read more
How to Improve Your Half Marathon Performance with Yoga
You’ve been training for your half marathon for months now, haven’t you? You’re pounding the pavement, tracking your mileage, and pushing your body to its limits. But have you ever considered how yoga might give you that extra edge you need? I’m not joking! As a runner, you might... Read more