Training for a Half Marathon

Learn how to get ready for your race.

Turning Negative Thoughts into Intense Running Power: A Guide for Half Marathoners
Hey there, runner! I’ve seen that look before — the one that says, “Can I really do this?” The answer is a resounding yes! But let’s face it, running a half marathon isn’t a walk in the park, and negative thoughts can creep in even for the most seasoned... Read more
Mental Training for Half Marathons: Building an Unbreakable Mindset
Running a half marathon is more than just a physical challenge. It’s a mental game too. You’ve got to keep pushing, even when your legs start to scream and your lungs beg for mercy. You’ve got to maintain that unbreakable mindset. And here’s the thing: you can’t build that... Read more
10 Mental Tricks for Half Marathon Success
Hey there, runner! If you’re preparing for your next half marathon, you’re likely putting in the miles, hitting those speed workouts, and stocking up on enough energy gels to start your own sports nutrition company. But don’t forget about your mental game! After all, mental endurance is just as... Read more