Training for a Half Marathon

Learn how to get ready for your race.

Essential Half Marathon Gear Checklist
Are you planning to run your first half marathon? Congratulations! Running a race like that is a major accomplishment and requires a lot of preparation. I’m here to help you and make sure you have all the essential gear you need for the big day. With this Essential Half... Read more
Conquer the Distance: Your 12 Week Half Marathon Training Plan

Discover how to conquer the distance with our comprehensive 12-week half marathon training plan. Covering everything from your current fitness assessment, creating your personalized training regimen, incorporating strength training, understanding the crucial role of nutrition and hydration, prioritizing recovery, mastering mental strategies, and finally preparing for the big race day. It’s not just about the finish time; it’s about the journey and the runner you become in the process. Let’s embark on this journey together, one step at a time!

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Conquer the Challenge: 6 Week Half Marathon Training Plan

Embarking on a six-week half marathon training plan is no small feat. Our comprehensive guide provides a structure that balances increasing your mileage safely with variety, proper nutrition and hydration, recovery, mental preparation, and race day strategies. Regardless of where you’re starting from, we’re here to guide you every step of the way. Let’s embrace this challenge together!

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Balancing Running and Cross-training for Your Half Marathon Preparation
Hello, my fellow runners! With all the excitement around gearing up for a half marathon, I often hear a common question from the runners I train: “How do we find the right balance between running and cross-training?” So, let’s dive right into it, shall we? First off, let’s remember... Read more
Cross-Training in the Water: Swimming for Half Marathon Training
Well, hello there, runner! I see you’re interested in half marathons. Excellent choice! Now, you might be wondering, “Why the heck am I reading about swimming on a running site?” Bear with me. You see, running is like an enthralling novel with numerous characters, and swimming is that delightful... Read more
Eating for Endurance: Key Nutrition Tips for Long Distance Runners
Hi there, future half-marathoner! Now, we all know that training for a half-marathon isn’t just about logging miles on your trusty pair of running shoes, right? It’s also about fueling your body with the right nutrients to power through those long runs and recover afterward. So, what’s on the... Read more
Mastering the Mental Marathon: Overcoming Psychological Barriers in Half Marathon Training
Hello there, fellow runners! Have you ever wondered why sometimes, despite being physically prepared, you face certain hurdles while training for a half marathon? Well, it’s not just your body that needs training but also your mind. Welcome to our guide on Mastering the Mental Marathon: Overcoming Psychological Barriers... Read more
Incorporating HIIT Workouts for Half Marathon Training Plan
Alright, all you half marathon hopefuls, I see you there lacing up your running shoes, preparing for the journey ahead. Great work! Now let me throw a curveball your way: have you thought about including High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) into your training plan? A Dabble into HIIT HIIT is... Read more
The 3-Phase Strategy for a Manageable Half Marathon: Break it Down, Not Yourself

Learn to tackle the half marathon with a 3-phase approach: the Warm-Up, the Main Stretch, and the Final Push. This strategy offers a practical, mental, and physical framework to enhance your race day performance.

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Mastering Race Day Nutrition: Fueling for a Successful Half Marathon
Running a half marathon is no small feat, it requires not just physical and mental preparation, but also a solid nutrition plan to fuel your body on the big day. Mastering race day nutrition is crucial to your performance, and it’s more than just carbo-loading the night before. It’s... Read more