Training for a Half Marathon

Learn how to get ready for your race.

The 5-Step Plan to Prevent Most Common Half Marathon Injuries

Training for a half marathon brings potential pitfalls, and without careful planning, mistakes can lead to injuries. This article offers a 5-step plan based on years of running and coaching experience, detailing how to avoid common half marathon injuries and train effectively.

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The 5 Biggest Mistakes in Half Marathon Training that Lead to Injuries

Half marathon training is a delicate balance of pushing limits while avoiding injuries. Too often, runners fall into traps that hinder their progress and lead to unnecessary injuries. This guide outlines the five biggest mistakes you might be making in your half marathon training and offers expert advice to keep you running strong and injury-free.

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9 Secrets to Avoiding Half Marathon Overtraining

Overtraining can hinder your half marathon preparation and overall performance. Learn the 9 secrets to avoid overtraining, stay healthy, and maximize your performance in your next half marathon.

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5 Essential Half Marathon Recovery Methods Every Runner Should Know

Proper recovery is a crucial yet often neglected part of half marathon training. This article explores five essential recovery methods to help you bounce back faster, prevent injuries, and set the stage for your next race.

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7 Proven Strategies to Prevent Half Marathon Injuries

In this comprehensive guide, we share 7 proven strategies to help you prevent injuries during your half marathon training. From correct form and technique to the importance of recovery, we guide you through methods that will help keep you healthy and on track to achieve your running goals.

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Quick Tips on How to Prevent Running Injuries
Running is a passion that unites us all, whether you’re training for that dream marathon or simply enjoying the freedom of the road. Just like in life, however, it’s not always smooth sailing. The dreaded running injuries can sneak up on us without warning, turning our joy into frustration.... Read more
How to Train Smart and Avoid Overtraining in Half Marathon Preparation
Hey there, future half marathoners! I’m here to share a few nuggets of wisdom I’ve picked up over the years on how to Train Smart for a Half Marathon. Now, I won’t just be throwing a bunch of facts at you here. No, sir! I want to share my... Read more
The Runner’s Guide to Effective Recovery Post Half Marathon
You’ve done it. You’ve crossed that finish line after running a grueling 13.1 miles. Your body’s drenched in sweat, your legs are aching but you’re feeling on top of the world. That’s the magic of a half marathon! But here’s the thing, the race may be over, but the... Read more
Avoiding the Most Common Half Marathon Injuries: A Comprehensive Guide
Running a half marathon is no small feat. No matter how fit you think you are, you can’t just wake up one day and decide to run 13.1 miles without proper training. But even with adequate training, half marathon injuries can still occur. Common half marathon injuries can range... Read more
7 Tips for Half Marathon Injury Prevention
When training for your race, it is critical that you practice half marathon injury prevention. Having good shoes, good running form and sufficient recovery time after workouts will definitely minimize the risk of injury. Many half marathon runners experience a number of injuries during training. It is important that... Read more