7 Powerhouse Speed Workouts for Distance Runners
Running Techniques September 15, 2023 admin 0

Hey there, fellow pavement-pounder! If you’ve been logging miles and contemplating how to add some zip to your stride, you’ve come to the right place. As a seasoned coach who’s had the pleasure (and pain!) of tackling countless half marathons, I know a thing or two about getting those legs to move a bit faster. Here are some powerhouse speed workouts for distance runners that you can incorporate into your regular training routine.
Why Would a Distance Runner Need Speed?
Well, the simple answer is, why wouldn’t they? Increasing your speed not only shaves minutes off your marathon time but also improves your running economy. Think of it as getting more miles per gallon from your body. Speed training can help your muscles become more efficient, improve your form, and yes, give you a fantastic boost of confidence when you outpace a fellow runner on race day!
Unlocking Speed: The Basics
Before we dive into specific workouts, let’s talk about the foundation. For distance runners, the goal isn’t to become Usain Bolt overnight. Instead, we aim to gradually increase our average pace, making those long runs a bit quicker and more efficient. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a speedy marathoner. Patience is key!
7 Powerhouse Workouts to Crank Up the Speed
- Intervals: These are the bread and butter of speed training. Find a track or flat section of road. After a warm-up, run fast for a set distance, then slow down for a recovery jog. Repeat. This teaches your body to handle faster paces and recover quickly.
- Tempo Runs: A tempo run is a sustained “comfortably hard” effort. You’re not sprinting, but you’re certainly pushing yourself. This type of run builds both mental and physical stamina, teaching your body to maintain a challenging pace over longer distances.
- Hill Repeats: Hills are nature’s treadmill. Find a decent-sized hill and sprint up, then jog or walk down. This not only builds speed but also strength in your legs. And trust me, when you face a hill during a race, you’ll be glad for these sessions!
- Fartleks: Swedish for “speed play”, this workout is as fun as it sounds. During a regular run, throw in bursts of speed. It’s unstructured and based on how you feel. See a tree in the distance? Sprint to it! It’s all about mixing easy running with periods of effort.
- Strides: These are short, fast, but controlled sprints added at the end of an easy run. They help improve your running form and turnover.
- Strength Training: Yes, lifting weights can make you a faster runner. Focus on exercises that strengthen your core, glutes, and legs. Think squats, lunges, and planks.
- Plyometrics: Jumping exercises, like box jumps or burpees, can improve your power, making each stride more forceful and, in turn, faster.
Speed and the Marathoner
So, how does all this speed work fit into marathon training? Well, while you won’t be sprinting an entire 26.2 miles (kudos to you if you can), having the ability to change pace, especially in the later stages of a race, can be a game-changer. Those tempo runs and intervals? They help train your body to push through fatigue, which is invaluable when hitting the dreaded “wall” in a marathon. Plus, the mental grit you gain from pushing through a tough speed workout? That’s marathon gold.
Final Words of Speedy Wisdom
Speed workouts can be tough, but they’re also incredibly rewarding. Remember to give your body time to recover between sessions. And as your trusty, joke-cracking coach, I must remind you – always listen to your body. If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t.
In the end, running is a journey, and speed is just one exciting part of it. Whether you’re aiming to PR at your next race or just want to feel a bit zippier on your weekend run, these workouts are your ticket to a faster future.
Tighten those laces, set your sights on the horizon, and let’s get speedy! 🚀
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