Training for a Half Marathon

Learn how to get ready for your race.

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treadmill training
Training for a Half Marathon on a Treadmill
Discover the benefits of incorporating treadmill training into your half marathon preparation. From avoiding extreme weather to precise pacing, treadmills provide a controlled and cushioned environment. However, remember to vary incline, compensate for wind resistance, and complement your training with outdoor runs and cross-training for a well-rounded preparation. Maximize your half marathon training on the treadmill and conquer those 13.1 miles with confidence. Read more
7 Reasons to Use Pilates for Half Marathon Training
Ready to boost your half marathon training? Discover how Pilates, with its focus on core strength, flexibility, and body awareness, can be a game-changer. Strengthen your running form, reduce your risk of injury, and even enhance your breathing with this low-impact workout. Let's dive into the world of Pilates and explore how it can supercharge your half marathon training. Read more
Balancing Running and Cross-training for Your Half Marathon Preparation
Hello, my fellow runners! With all the excitement around gearing up for a half marathon, I often hear a common question from the runners I train: “How do we find the right balance between running and cross-training?” So, let’s dive right into it, shall we? First off, let’s remember that... Read more
Incorporating HIIT Workouts for Half Marathon Training Plan
Alright, all you half marathon hopefuls, I see you there lacing up your running shoes, preparing for the journey ahead. Great work! Now let me throw a curveball your way: have you thought about including High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) into your training plan? A Dabble into HIIT HIIT is a... Read more
Staying Motivated During Half Marathon Training: A Step-by-Step Guide
Keep your spirits high and your running shoes ready with our step-by-step guide for staying motivated during half marathon training. From setting SMART goals to celebrating victories, discover how to maintain your running enthusiasm every step of the way. Read more
How to Train Smart and Avoid Overtraining in Half Marathon Preparation
Hey there, future half marathoners! I’m here to share a few nuggets of wisdom I’ve picked up over the years on how to Train Smart for a Half Marathon. Now, I won’t just be throwing a bunch of facts at you here. No, sir! I want to share my experience,... Read more
Effective Cross-Training for Half Marathons
So, you’re a half-marathoner, huh? That’s a major accomplishment! You’ve definitely got passion, tenacity, and a whole lot of grit. But, I’m here to tell you that running 13.1 miles isn’t just about lacing up those sneakers and hitting the pavement. The real secret to keeping your body strong and... Read more
Intermediate Half Marathon Training: Taking Your Performance to the Next Level
Welcome, my fleet-footed friends, to the world of Intermediate Half Marathon Training! I’m sure you’re no stranger to the adrenaline rush of race day, the satisfying ache in your muscles after a long run, and the thrill of setting – and smashing – your personal best. Well, now, it’s time... Read more
Training for Walking a Half Marathon
Even though most half marathons are for runners, increasingly more walkers are taking to the race course. Walking a 13.1 mile course will take a fit individual approximately 4 hours, which is a reasonable finish time for many half marathon races around the country. Even though walking may not be... Read more
Year-Round Running: Adapting Your Routine with Seasonal Running Tips
Running isn’t just a fair-weather hobby; it’s a year-round commitment to your health, happiness, and personal growth. As the seasons change, so do the conditions in which we run. Adapting your running routine to accommodate these changes is crucial for maintaining consistency, preventing injury, and enjoying every step of the... Read more